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                About Equorum et Plus


The people associated with Equorum et Plus know that having a horse or other large domesticated animal requires a serious commitment of time, effort and money – potentially for the lifetime of the animal. Unfortunately, such animals are often used and then discarded for many different reasons. Some people greatly underestimate the amount of resources needed to care for them – especially if the animal is old, sick or injured. Others find themselves physically or financially unable to care for their animal. And still others sadly view their animal as disposable – something to be used and then cast aside.


Equorum et Plus was started in order to help old, sick, injured or abandoned large domesticated animals – with a primary focus on horses. In addition, Equorum et Plus works to educate and support the education of individuals as to the needs of such animals, as well as the prevention of cruelty to these animals. Our goal is to improve and maintain the well-being of each animal in our care, and to positively impact how others treat all large domesticated animals.


Equorum et Plus provides shelter, food, medical care, exercise, comfort and love, in a safe environment, to each animal in our care. In turn, we also work to provide access to these animals for individuals who otherwise may not have such an opportunity. Economically disadvantaged children and individuals with disabilities are given a chance to better understand, experience and interact with the horses in our care. Students who are considering veterinary studies get hands-on experience by helping with these horses; and Equorum et Plus assists students who are prevented by cost to get a veterinary education.


Equorum et Plus also supports rescues of other animals. We are particularly proud of our relationship with Royce's Rescue in Richboro, PA. Royce's Rescue has saved hundreds of small animals and found them safe and loving homes.


With our commitment to the improved welfare of all animals, the people associated with Equorum et Plus strive to make a positive difference each day.




This site was last updated 02/02/16